Manuscript for January 1-16, 1837
Below is a transcription of the Jan 1837 journal. Explanations and clarifications are in (parenthesis) but the [square brackets] are a comment by the journal writer.
The year commences with 210 souls in Society.
South Union January 1st 1837
1st Samuel Robinson's home established at the Office - He receives the appointment
and commission of Treasurer to hold & take care of the funds, etc. belonging to
the Church, which funds, etc. are subject & to be subject to the order of the
Trustees or acting Agents of the Church, in Union with the leading authorities
agreeable to the true intent & meaning of the Chh (Church) Covenant.
To day also we cease or leave off the practice of entertaining travellers at our
office agreeable to advertisement of
Mon 2 Change - To day a general change of Sisters took place, to & from the Office as
Firstly Jency Dillon, Mary McComb, Denise Barker, Elvarence Hilton & Sally
Shirley moved to the first Order. -- Jency D. is appointed & accepts the Office of
Deaconess in the 1st order of the Chh to supply the place of Electa Foreman
resigned -- Who [E. Foreman] to day moved to the Office & is appointed &
accepts the office of Church Deaconess, Eunice Freehart to act with her in the
same capacity.-- Hannah Freehart also moved from the 1st Order to the Office
also Jane Gordan from 2nd Order to the same.
Tues 3 Samuel Fisher left here to day for Elkton to get his clothes -- wrote us a letter
stating that he would not return - Fickle man!!!
Wed 11 E. Br. Samuel Shannon (Elder Brother Samuel) & Allen Wing arrived at home,
having had usual prosperity .. they have been absent 11 weeks.
Mon 16 T. Jefferson Shannon & Joseph Small arrived at home this morning having also
been prosperous.
(The last two entries refer to selling trips made by members of the community to areas throughout the South.)